Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dafont Website Revision


  1. i like the way your web is coming out. the texture in the background is not to strong. i know that dafont has a lot of themes what if you put them in a single line going down by alphabetical order.

  2. i agree with manuel, i like the way this is coming along. In the themes section i dont knw if it is just the way its appearing in the jpg but i feel that the type is a bit too thick.

  3. wai
    i still think the pink is not working. the red is a carryover from the previous site, but perhaps the pink can be lighter? maybe its the orange on top of it that makes the color not work. can that orange be some other hue (not just the norton, but the button too)

    the layout works, but there isnt anything unique about how a user finds/interacts with the font. can you perhaps come up with something evolutionary to what they have now?

    in the presentation make sure to fill it with typefaces
